- Nick:
Clover / Jack / KZ / Vio
There's more names, but you can find out later.
Tem mais nomes, mas você pode descobrir depois.
- Hobbies:
Jogar jogos, ler, ouvir música, "surfar" a internet, etc.
Playing games, reading, listening to music, web browsing, etc.
- B-day
- Fav animal:
Axolotes, focas, gatos, lontras, sapos, ovelhas.
Axolotls, cats, frogs, seals, otters, sheep.
- Fav music:
GHOST & Pals, Ferry, Jack Stauber, Legião Urbana, Nashimoto Ui, Queen, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Toby Fox, ZUN
- More info:
- Click on the little quiz result cards to take the quizzes! :D